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Published in 1975, Forever… tells the “love” story of teenagers Katherine and Michael who meet at a party and start dating, and all the angsty moments that comes with it. Forever…has been a huge target for censorship and appears on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books.

My Grade: C- ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ out of 5

I went into this with an open mind and an understanding that obviously times have really changed and most likely some of the themes and subjects were not going to age well with time. My grade for this book is for the huge appreciation I have for the inclusion of the FMC seeking out birth control and going to Planned Parenthood. My understanding is that this was why the book was targeted, because for many back then (and even today) abstinence before marriage was pushed.

***TW/CW: Some of the moments in the book are fat phobia, mentions of abortion, STD’s, some drug use, attempt of suicide, and teen pregnancy.

Compared to some of the “steamy” books that come out these days, in my opinion, I found this book is pretty tame in the sex department. The scenes are not overly pornographic or too graphic.

My main issue with the book is that it’s written like FMC Katherine is reading from her diary and she has zero personality and comes off robotic at times. There is no chemistry with her and the MMC Michael, and their “meet-cute” was weird and flow into a relationship was weird.

There were so many moments in this book where I felt that Michael was incredibly creepy and pushy, and I honestly didn’t like him at all. “We don’t have to do anything…we can just talk..” Yikes, what a creeper. Plus, the whole naming your penis thing…ick.

A few quotes:

“I could have said it back to him right away. I was thinking it all along. I was thinking, I love you,, Michael. But can you really love someone you’ve seen just nineteen times in your life?”

“In the old days girls were divided into two groups-those who did and those who didn’t My mother told me that. Nice girls didn’t, naturally. They were the ones boys wanted to marry.”

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a tease.”

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The Cozy Taurus

Welcome to my cozy book blog!

As a long time avid reader, books are one of the most important tools I use to focus on my mental health and mental wellbeing.

All reviews are my 100% honest opinion, and I never have any intention of offending anyone and/or yuck anyones yum.

Professional Reader10 Book Reviews